The clubs Media Manager, Laura Farrell, caught up with our Senior Men’s & Women’s 1st XI Captains this week. 
Chatting to Men’s Captain Kelvin Johnson, aka, Fridge; and Women’s co-captains Alicia Pridgeon and Tayla Huxtable, “Keys” and “Tux” respectively, she found out about the current vibe in both squads and how they feel season 2017 is shaping up!

Men’s 1st XI Captain: Kelvin “Fridge” Johnson


How does it feel to be named as one of our club captains for 2017?
To be asked to be a leader of the men’s ones is great. It’s a pretty easy job really, we have a mix of experience and youth through all our lines this year and the team pretty much organises itself. But it’s still an honour nonetheless

How was round one?
We adapted to our new structure well and looked strong against a new look St Beades team. It was great that we took our chances in front of goal. Would have been better to get all 3 point but I think 3 all was a fair result.

What’s the vibe like around the men’s group? What’s different around the group?
There’s a great vibe this year. I think the most noticeable difference this early in the season is how competitive it is for spots in the first team. I don’t envy the coaches at selection time each week!

What are your expectations for the season?
I think we’re a great chance to make finals this year. It looks like it’s going to be a real close competition with no easy games. Once we make finals we have just as much of a chance as anyone of going all the way.

Who do you think is ready to step up and have a massive year?
I feel like Jez is ready to hit another gear this year. He has trained well in preseason and is looking sharp. All the guys are looking good though.

What does Knox mean to you?
I have played hockey at Knox for 17 years which is more than half my life so I suppose it’s like a home away from home.

What’s been your career highlight during your time with Knox?
When I hear career highlights there are a few Bendigo trips that spring to mind haha! But on field I would have to say playing in a men’s firsts grand final. Doesn’t get much better than that!

Any last words for your charges across the club?
Go Knox! #outwecometoplay!

Women’s 1st XI Co-Captain: Tayla “Tux” Huxtable

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How does it feel to be named as one of our club captains for 2017?
I’m proud to be a part of Knox Hockey Club, and to be named as one of the captains is such an honour. I’m very excited to share the leadership with Keys, I believe we make a great team with our focus and commitment to Knox.

How was round one?
Round 1 is a whirl wind of nerves and excitement. Despite the results for the women’s firsts there was plenty of positives. I believe our preseason has improved our game immensely. We are fitter and stronger than we have ever been, round 1 is only the start

Whats the vibe like around the women’s group? What’s different around the group?
It’s an awesome vibe in both playing and social aspects of the club. On the field our teams unite and play to their very best ability, while off the field everyone is coming together and sharing our common love for the game.

What are your expectations for the season?
It will be a tough season ahead, but I know the ladies can pull through and find our strengths. We have fought to stay in VL1 for the past 2 seasons and I believe we can creep our way up. Now is our time!

Who do you think is ready to step up and have a massive year?
Mr. President! Brent Sullivan has already stepped up to the plate and taken great responsibility and actions towards the club.

What does Knox mean to you?
For 13 years Knox has been my second family. There are so many friendships built within this club and I count myself lucky to be a part of it.

What’s been your career highlight during your time with Knox?
Final whistle, 2014 Women’s Vic League 2 Grand Final. First season that Trev Bannon had taken us under his wing and coached us up to Vic League 1. Unbelievable feeling, I will never forget such a great moment.

Any last words for your charges across the club?
Bring on 2017

Women’s 1st XI Co-Captain: Alicia “Keys” Pridgeon

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How does it feel to be named as one of our club captains for 2017?
Captain is more than a title to me – it’s a way of thinking, a way of unifying a group of people towards a collective goal. This year I am working in close partnership with Tayla Huxtable to help set the women’s side of the club up with a style of leadership that will help them grow into a force to be reckoned with.

How was Round one?
I thought there were some great moments in round one. Stepping out as a unit against another team, who you have no control over, always allows you to see where your strengths lie, and where you can improve – I think round one certainly did that for us.

Whats the vibe like around the women’s group? What’s different around the group?
Pre-season has set the women up with some key knowledge and expectations around mind set. There’s more positivity this year, as well as a level of passion and intensity that has lifted the group as a whole.

What are your expectations for the season?
I believe, as I always have, that the women have the talent, skill and potential to be very competitive. I expect to see some settle into their skins a bit more, some step out of their comfort zone and everything click into place.

Who do you think is ready to step up and have a massive year?
There is some amazing talent in the pool as well as quite a few juniors on the edge of leaving a blazing mark in their wake.

What does Knox mean to you?
Knox is home. It is as integral a part of who I am, as hockey is – I would feel lost without that part of my life.

What’s been your career highlight during your time with Knox?
Playing in the grand final when Knox won promotion into Vic League 1 was pretty special. I can still feel the raw emotions of the day, the intensity of the game and the clarity of putting everything into getting the job done.

Any last words for your charges across the club?
Everything we want to achieve is well within our grasp; belief is what keeps us going and work is what gets us there.